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Bank of Japan Adopts Flexible Yield Curve Control

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Bank of Japan announces more flexible management of Yield Curve Control (YCC) while keeping interest rates and yield targets steady. Inflation forecasts for this year revised upwards, but no change for next year.

The Bank of Japan (BOJ) implemented adjustments to its yield curve control (YCC) policy in a move to enhance flexibility and ease the defense of a long-term interest rate cap. This decision has been perceived by investors as a potential indication of an upcoming reduction in monetary stimulus measures.

Despite maintaining low interest rates and emphasizing the significance of ongoing monetary support, the central bank highlighted that the YCC modifications will enable prompt responsiveness to potential risks, including rising inflation.

  • Short-term interest rate target: -0.1%
  • 10-year JGB (Japanese Government Bond) yield target: around 0%

Additionally, the BOJ maintains a band of 0.5% above and below the 10-year JGB yield target.

Furthermore, the BOJ has raised its inflation forecasts for the current fiscal year. However, there are no changes in the inflation forecasts for the next fiscal year:

  • Core-core CPI (Consumer Price Index) fiscal 2023 median forecast: +3.2% (compared to +2.5% in April)
  • Core-core CPI fiscal 2024 median forecast: +1.7% (consistent with April forecast)
  • Core-core CPI fiscal 2025 median forecast: +1.8% (consistent with April forecast)

Markets Reaction

Markets were sent into a frenzy by the announcement that had the yen and yields soaring and stocks plunging. Some investors interpreted the decision by the BOJ as a signal that they were removing the 0.5% yield cap and getting ready to move away from accommodative monetary policy.

Unlike other central banks around the world, Japan has been an exception, keeping its monetary policy loose while other major economies have been aggressively raising interest rates to combat high inflation.

The Impact of BOJ Monetary Statements on Currencies and Stocks

The Bank of Japan (BOJ) plays a crucial role in shaping the Japanese economy, particularly through its monetary policy decisions. The market closely watches BOJ’s monetary statements as they can have a significant impact on currencies and stocks.

Yield Curve Control and Currency Movement

One of the key aspects of BOJ’s monetary policy is its yield curve control strategy. When the BOJ discusses tweaking this strategy, it can lead to market volatility. A report by Nikkei stated that the BOJ might consider letting long-term interest rates rise above its 0.5% cap by “a certain degree.” This news caused the yen to jump against other currencies, highlighting the sensitivity of currency markets to BOJ’s statements.

Unpredictable Policy Decisions

The BOJ’s surprise policy decisions can have significant consequences for both currencies and stocks. For example, when the BOJ defied market expectations for policy tweaks, the yen tumbled against other currencies, and bond yields experienced significant drops.

This unpredictability can create opportunities and challenges for investors and traders, as they need to closely follow BOJ announcements.

Impact on Stock Prices

BOJ’s monetary policy decisions can also affect stock prices. Changes in the yield curve control strategy can influence interest rates and borrowing costs, which, in turn, impact corporate profitability and investor sentiment. When the BOJ’s statements indicate changes in monetary easing measures, they can have broad implications for financial markets. Investors should monitor these statements to gauge potential shifts in stock prices.

Forex Market Intervention

BOJ’s intervention in the forex market can directly impact currency rates and have indirect effects on stock markets. By buying its own currency, the BOJ aims to stabilize or influence the value of the yen. Such interventions can impact global markets and may have implications for foreign investors. Understanding the BOJ’s forex market interventions is essential for those involved in international trade and investment.


The impact of BOJ monetary statements on currencies and stocks cannot be underestimated. Investors, traders, and market participants closely monitor these statements as they provide critical insights into Japan’s monetary policy direction. Changes in the yield curve control strategy, unexpected policy decisions, and forex market interventions all contribute to market volatility and can create both risks and opportunities. By staying informed about BOJ’s statements, market participants can make more informed decisions and navigate the dynamic landscape of Japanese financial markets.

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  • Zahari Rangelov

    Zahari Rangelov is an experienced professional Forex trader and trading mentor with knowledge in technical and fundamental analysis, medium-term trading strategies, risk management and diversification. He has been involved in the foreign exchange markets since 2005, when he opened his first live account in 2007. Currently, Zahari is the Head of Sales & Business Development at TraderFactor's London branch. He provides lectures during webinars and seminars for traders on topics such as; Psychology of market participants’ moods, Investments & speculation with different financial instruments and Automated Expert Advisors & signal providers. Zahari’s success lies in his application of research-backed techniques and practices that have helped him become a successful forex trader, a mentor to many traders, and a respected authority figure within the trading community.

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